Sunday, September 14, 2008

do you hear me?

Have i told you before I like to talk. Yesh, i know, many would second that. But do you know, what I like more... is to be listened.

What's the point of talking, knowing that you are not being listened to. It is just as though as you are talking to yourself or to the blank wall. Only crazy people would do that under normal circumstances. So ya, what I like more is to be listened to.

I had to conduct a science lecture in Irsyad last week. Well, with primary 6 kids you definitely have to be patient. It was not easy to conduct the lecture as the kids were cramped in a small room and as usual, talkative. I did managed to control the noise level but merely for a few minutes. Given the time constraint I stop trying and just carried on with the lecture. What made me carry on was the group of students who gave me their eye contacts signaling their interest and this kept me going.

What I am going to share is some tips to listen, and listen well. I am not saying that I am a good listener but I know what I would expect from someone when I am talking to him.

Ever wonder why your ears are cup in such a way. Well, this is my view on that. If someone is talking to you, and your face is in a position perpendicular to his, whatever you are hearing is half of what he is saying. This is because only one of your ear is being directed to him. With that said, to get the whole story your face have to be directly in front of his. Only then both of your ears are picking up whatever he is saying. And if you do so there won't be "masuk kanan, keluar kiri" (enter from the right, exit from the left). Easier said ah, give the person talking to you, face. I think it is only polite to have eye contact when someone is talking to you.

Also what I think is important is your body language when someone is talking to you. Do not slouch or lie down when someone is talking to you. And do not fiddle with your pen or play with your hands. These actions show that you are not interested in what the person is trying to tell you. How would you feel if you are in the person's position? Respect others and other will respect you.

Basically the trick here is do not do to others what you don't want others to do to you. Listening is not hearing. It's easy to hear but to listen you need effort. So do you HEAR me or are u LISTENING?