Sunday, October 19, 2008


Rachel Dawes: But then I found out about your mask.
Bruce Wayne: Batman's just a symbol, Rachel.
Rachel Dawes: [Rachel touches Bruce's face] No, *this* is your mask. Your real face is the one that criminals now fear.Is Bruce Wayne wearing a mask, or is it the other way around?

I had a Human Resource lesson the other day and we are discussing about the concept of "self". It is an interesting concept to me but at the same time I must say that it is also a confusing one. How well do we know ourselves? In the lesson, I was introduced to many different types of "self" but I am just going to talk about two of them here. The "true self" and the "not so true self"(ok, i made this one up).

Many a times, I must say that we are putting on our "not so true self" when we are around people. And around different people, our "not so true self" varies. Don't you think so? We never really reveal our true identity to anybody. Even our close ones. We are always wearing this mask of ours known as our faces and no one will ever know our "true self".

Well, with this mask on, we can be whoever we want to be. Often, it is to impress others and not what we are truly. But little did we know that, at the very end it is not our masks that is going to be judged but it is what underneath these masks that matter.
I am not saying that you should take off your masks. You can't. At least I think no one can't. But let's be reminded that: what's important is not to dress up your "not so true self" but your "true self".

Sunday, October 12, 2008

It takes two hands to clap

I wonder, how can people blog so frequent... How they can express what they feel so easily... Maybe it is just me. I kinda find it hard to actually pen down what is in my head. But I am trying. It might actually make me a better writer. Anyway, I was thinking of something. Ok let me try and "pen" it down.

It takes two hand to clap... Of course lah you need two hands to clap. If only one hand, all you can get is a slap. Haha... On the other hand, haha... get it? On the other hand, it takes only one hand to make a sound. Both hands do not actually need to move to clap. Tadaa...

Well, what is its significance? How I see it is that, in a relationship, or partnership or anything, need not neccessary be a pair, it takes one to make things happen. It is better of course if everyone making things happen but if it is not the case one is actually sufficient. If the one is strong enough, dedicated enough, commited enough, things can happen.

Let me give you an example ya. If two person are in a heated argument. It takes one person to stop shouting and talk nicely to end the argument. Another example, if two people is needed to play badminton, it takes only one to serve the shuttle to get the game in play. So ya... two hands to clap, only one needed to move to make a sound.

So which hand do you want to be? The moving hand or the other. Are you the one that makes things happen or are you the one that wait for things to happen.

-Maybe this is why I seldom blog ya???

Hmm, for those who don't intend to wait and want to make things happen, do bear in mind that... Work = force x dist.

to get WORK DONE you need force as well as moving the extra distance.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tak yah gaduh ah! Leh berbual per...

Atas galakan sesetengah pihak, akan ku menge-postkan lagi satu post ye...

Often if not always, why people fight is that they are arguing at a different level. What do I mean by this? What I mean is that they are arguing not on the same basis of an issue. As most of us would know, there are many perspectives to an issue depending on how you want to see it. And how you define something may vary to others.

Just like you wearing someone else's pair of spectacles. You would not see something exactly how others will see. You will need to adjust to the new view and only then maybe you may come close to other's view. Or then again, we may still not be able to see what other see. So... do you see what I see???

Okay, what I am trying to say is... sometimes there is no use for arguing. What you should do is to agree to disagree. Do not impose your views on others. Just like you would not want others to impose their views to you. You are entitled to your own views and others to theirs. So ya... Boleh berbual per...

Haha... Actually I am guilty of this. So, this serve as a reminder to me. Sometimes, to not talk is better. And if you have to talk, talk nicely.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

do you hear me?

Have i told you before I like to talk. Yesh, i know, many would second that. But do you know, what I like more... is to be listened.

What's the point of talking, knowing that you are not being listened to. It is just as though as you are talking to yourself or to the blank wall. Only crazy people would do that under normal circumstances. So ya, what I like more is to be listened to.

I had to conduct a science lecture in Irsyad last week. Well, with primary 6 kids you definitely have to be patient. It was not easy to conduct the lecture as the kids were cramped in a small room and as usual, talkative. I did managed to control the noise level but merely for a few minutes. Given the time constraint I stop trying and just carried on with the lecture. What made me carry on was the group of students who gave me their eye contacts signaling their interest and this kept me going.

What I am going to share is some tips to listen, and listen well. I am not saying that I am a good listener but I know what I would expect from someone when I am talking to him.

Ever wonder why your ears are cup in such a way. Well, this is my view on that. If someone is talking to you, and your face is in a position perpendicular to his, whatever you are hearing is half of what he is saying. This is because only one of your ear is being directed to him. With that said, to get the whole story your face have to be directly in front of his. Only then both of your ears are picking up whatever he is saying. And if you do so there won't be "masuk kanan, keluar kiri" (enter from the right, exit from the left). Easier said ah, give the person talking to you, face. I think it is only polite to have eye contact when someone is talking to you.

Also what I think is important is your body language when someone is talking to you. Do not slouch or lie down when someone is talking to you. And do not fiddle with your pen or play with your hands. These actions show that you are not interested in what the person is trying to tell you. How would you feel if you are in the person's position? Respect others and other will respect you.

Basically the trick here is do not do to others what you don't want others to do to you. Listening is not hearing. It's easy to hear but to listen you need effort. So do you HEAR me or are u LISTENING?

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I am busy?

Wow... It has been a while since i blog. Not that there is alot of readers out there waiting for my next enrty, still i am sure i have 1 or 2 regular readers. Thank you. Why have I not been blogging, you may ask. Well, I am busy...
Haha. Busy is an excuse actually. A lame excuse. Why? Well, busy can never be a reason. The reason why I have not been blogging is that I prioritise other things first before blogging. That's the reason.
Isn't that busy?

Nope. You see, busy, as how I defined it, is an excuse for not doing something because you choose to do something else. You see, I can choose not to play games and blog and so I am busy, I can't game. Then again I can choose to play games and not blog and therefore I am again busy that I can't blog. You see where I am coming from?

What I am trying to say is that, "busy" has been over-used as an excuse by alot of people when they choose not to things and choose to do other things instead. Let me give you an example:

A: Why didn't to come for meeting?
B: Ohh I am busy with school.
A: Ohh ok. (Ohh he busy. So poor thing. Still i prefer him to come. He's part of committee. Maybe he will come next meeting.)

Next meeting.

A: Why didn't to come for meeting?
B: Ohh I am busy with work.
A: Ohh ok. (Ohh he busy. So poor thing. Still i prefer him to come. He's part of committee. Maybe he will come next meeting.)

Haha... The bottomline is if you choose to do something else, just be straight forward about it. The reason why you are busy with other things is because to choose to be 'busy' at it and choose not to do the other. Maybe next time a better answer is, sorry I choose not to come for meeting because I choose to prioritise school and work and not meeting. I will come when I choose to come.

Yup. I don't know whether I make sense. Maybe I am just tired of 'busy' excuses. Alright, got to go now. I am busy...