Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tak yah gaduh ah! Leh berbual per...

Atas galakan sesetengah pihak, akan ku menge-postkan lagi satu post ye...

Often if not always, why people fight is that they are arguing at a different level. What do I mean by this? What I mean is that they are arguing not on the same basis of an issue. As most of us would know, there are many perspectives to an issue depending on how you want to see it. And how you define something may vary to others.

Just like you wearing someone else's pair of spectacles. You would not see something exactly how others will see. You will need to adjust to the new view and only then maybe you may come close to other's view. Or then again, we may still not be able to see what other see. So... do you see what I see???

Okay, what I am trying to say is... sometimes there is no use for arguing. What you should do is to agree to disagree. Do not impose your views on others. Just like you would not want others to impose their views to you. You are entitled to your own views and others to theirs. So ya... Boleh berbual per...

Haha... Actually I am guilty of this. So, this serve as a reminder to me. Sometimes, to not talk is better. And if you have to talk, talk nicely.

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