Bruce Wayne: Batman's just a symbol, Rachel.
Rachel Dawes: [Rachel touches Bruce's face] No, *this* is your mask. Your real face is the one that criminals now fear.
I had a Human Resource lesson the other day and we are discussing about the concept of "self". It is an interesting concept to me but at the same time I must say that it is also a confusing one. How well do we know ourselves? In the lesson, I was introduced to many different types of "self" but I am just going to talk about two of them here. The "true self" and the "not so true self"(ok, i made this one up).
Many a times, I must say that we are putting on our "not so true self" when we are around people. And around different people, our "not so true self" varies. Don't you think so? We never really reveal our true identity to anybody. Even our close ones. We are always wearing this mask of ours known as our faces and no one will ever know our "true self".
Well, with this mask on, we can be whoever we want to be. Often, it is to impress others and not what we are truly. But little did we know that, at the very end it is not our masks that is going to be judged but it is what underneath these masks that matter.
you should sit for psychology classes of personality and behavior. mask or personality manifestation (behaviour) as a product of the social environment.
so, remove one from the environment hends trigger another "mask".
not as simple as it sounds - but you get the drift.
eh brader, i like your smooth-tacit writing stlye lah. subtle and nice.
write more please :)
welcome kahiru rejal. lama tak jumpa.
yes very true. most people define their concept of "self" by how others perceive them. It is indeed the personal manifestation as a product of the social environment.
I can say that it is when you are alone and really alone that you come close to the true self. When what others think doesn't matter anymore.
Thank you for the encouragement. Kita ni pun baru berjinak jinak dgn alam blog. Selama ini goblog.
hahaha! goblog eh?? aku baru jugak start masuk blog kau ni fiz..entries kau sume leh tahan eh..makes people think twice abt their lives..baguslah kau jadi budak blog..jgn mcm aku..budak bawah block(if u noe wat i mean)..haha keep it up fiz..
haha... kau rupanya budak block. why don't kau jadi budak blog? pergi ke kedai membeli buku, kalau belum try belum tahu. haha...
Wow Fiz! You've got a blog now! Will you bloody well look at that. Never thought I'd live to see the day. I've got my left butt cheek that this has to be the influence of the missus... It's always the missus...
Jolly good stuff, got you bookmarked on Chrome. I wish I can read all the posts, but let's not spend it all in one place eh?
Let's have more racy, controversial content! :D
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