Sunday, June 8, 2008

I am busy?

Wow... It has been a while since i blog. Not that there is alot of readers out there waiting for my next enrty, still i am sure i have 1 or 2 regular readers. Thank you. Why have I not been blogging, you may ask. Well, I am busy...
Haha. Busy is an excuse actually. A lame excuse. Why? Well, busy can never be a reason. The reason why I have not been blogging is that I prioritise other things first before blogging. That's the reason.
Isn't that busy?

Nope. You see, busy, as how I defined it, is an excuse for not doing something because you choose to do something else. You see, I can choose not to play games and blog and so I am busy, I can't game. Then again I can choose to play games and not blog and therefore I am again busy that I can't blog. You see where I am coming from?

What I am trying to say is that, "busy" has been over-used as an excuse by alot of people when they choose not to things and choose to do other things instead. Let me give you an example:

A: Why didn't to come for meeting?
B: Ohh I am busy with school.
A: Ohh ok. (Ohh he busy. So poor thing. Still i prefer him to come. He's part of committee. Maybe he will come next meeting.)

Next meeting.

A: Why didn't to come for meeting?
B: Ohh I am busy with work.
A: Ohh ok. (Ohh he busy. So poor thing. Still i prefer him to come. He's part of committee. Maybe he will come next meeting.)

Haha... The bottomline is if you choose to do something else, just be straight forward about it. The reason why you are busy with other things is because to choose to be 'busy' at it and choose not to do the other. Maybe next time a better answer is, sorry I choose not to come for meeting because I choose to prioritise school and work and not meeting. I will come when I choose to come.

Yup. I don't know whether I make sense. Maybe I am just tired of 'busy' excuses. Alright, got to go now. I am busy...


Anonymous said...


u never fail to make me laugh sehh fiz. Not laugh AT ah, but laugh WITH *remember org tu nye comment haha*

and yes, u shud blog more often cos i miss ur mepek antics, as in written antics. Eh,maybe u shud make it a point to blog every holidays. Since u will 'prioritise' sch work when semester starts and no time to blog ready.

Eh,i have SPEAKEN ready.HAHAH.
Okay dah.Bye.Aku PUN busy.
Heheh :)

And my Stong entry biase2 je.U shud read hassan's one.more detailed and informative.Haha,aku nye gamba je bnyk!

fm said...
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Shixx said...


here I was thinking "eh brapa banyak have i missed???"

i feel cheated fiz!!


interesting insight there.. if only other guys are as perceptive. eg when a girl tells them "ive been busy with school.. thats why i havent called you for the past month"...

but i have to say that SOMETIMES people are REALLY busy..