Monday, December 17, 2007


Ok. Shikin was talking to me about her dream (not exactly about about her dream but she mentioned dream) so I am going to talk about my dream then.

I used to have this recurring bad dream. Ok don't laugh. I dreamt of frogs chasing me. Big ones. With sharp teeth jumping around. There's like hundreds of them. I was younger then of course. I was like running and running away from these ugly creatures. But it seem that there's no place to go or hide. The whole world was infested by these creatures and I am all alone. Maybe "I am Legend" was inspired by this. I would run and run until I wake up; usually in the middle of the night.

I was quite disturbed by this dream. And every night before I go to sleep I make sure that I wash my feet many times and recite Al Fateha before I actually close my eyes and try to sleep. Still, the dream occur. Every night I would wake up in the middle of the night and sit on my bed until i doze off if I was lucky.

The dream continued until one particular night. As any other night I was running away from the frogs then suddenly, I have this enlightening thought. "This is insane. There's no such things as big frogs with sharp teeth. I am DREAMING!!!" As soon as I had this thought, I looked up and flew... Yes I flew... I realised that I was dreaming. And now, in the realm of dream, I can do anything.

I looked at my hand and a sword appear. And on the other, a shield. Across my chest a golden armour. And the best thing, I was flying. Well, I shall not elaborate what I did to the frogs. (it is something similar in the lab).

So, what I am trying to say is, a dream is just a dream. I am no expert but I know that we shouldnt really believe in dream. "A dream is the experience of envisioned images, sounds, or other sensations during sleep" as quoted by the trusted wiki. So if you have a bad dream, make it good. And if you have a good dream don't wake up. Haha.

---------------- To achieve the impossible dream, try going to sleep------------------


Anonymous said...

fiz,maybe la kan.u were having bad dreams on how u are gg to look like when u grow up.

*in my makcik tone* like u maybe u might just look like a katak w sharp teeth! *make a makcik hand gesture*


And NO,ur mission NOT accomplished.Go find another example okayyy.

Anonymous said...

*in awe of hafiz's amazing superhero prowess* when i grow up i want to be like hafiz.


hahah tipu aje.

Dreams are scary things.

Sometimes your fear is so great it suffocates you.

Sometimes you cant wake up even if you know it's a dream. (Or at least it takes you a VERY long time and you end up having to go thru the VERY SCARY PART of your dream no matter how much you want to wake up.)
And when you do wake up, it'll be with tears in your eyes, the ugly taste of fear in your mouth and the residues of that evil in your heart and mind.

But there might be times where you just can't wake up.

And when you do, you look shiftyly around your room, unsure if youve crossed the boundary into reality.

Have you ever thought you woke up, but in reality youre still asleep?

So at the point when you FINALLY do, you try to read what you can calm the fear but it sticks to you like a leash, those dream residues, and you cry out of the fear.

Such is the power of the mind, subhanallah.

Muhammad Norhafiz said...

whatever fana... i know it. i know that u know that u know it too. and u know that i know that u know that u really know it. so ya, u know it. don't deny it. so ya mission accomplished.

Anonymous said...

k, for the sake of commenting.

someone once told me that if you're having stupid nonsensical dreams, it means that your life is kinda empty. so if ur having dreams abt froggies.. erm... your life kinda sad aint it?

eh was it during the no litter campaign? tt campaign got this wierd looking frog kan? mebbe tt spooked u.

hey what do u think abt dreams that are so so so real that even in the dream you think to yourseld that thank God its not a dream and its finally happening?